There are several solutions to save power on AP’s. Hereby listed 3 possibilities that are widely used implementations and supported in different scenarios: Scenario 1...
To configure “Scheduled WLAN availability” on a 9800 Controller and it’s not provisioned in DNA/Cat Center (if so, it can be configured through Network Profiles),...
The important Site Survey When designing wireless networks, there are many things to have in mind. For example: An on-site survey helps determine the optimal...
Cisco launches a new Wireless platform (9800) to replace their old AireOS Controllers. This new platform are running IOS-XE as rest of their 9000 series...
There can be several different types of wireless challenges, especially in environments/areas such as warehouses/production facilities etc.Most often, a non-uniform device type is used, e.g....
There will often be a need to onboard clients/devices that don’t support eat-tls or similar 802.1x authenticatios methods. This could be scanners, POS’s, Solar panels...
So many letters in Wireless. With new wireless standards arriving constantly, it can easily be confusing to keep up with new 802.11 names. Wi-Fi Alliance...
Tunnelling Wireless Client traffic between Controllers is very useful in some scenarios. Have used it for isolating Guest Traffic (typical in DMZ) and in Multi-Company...